Everest 100 Day 12 part 1

14 May 2022

Back at Base Camp following what for me was a tough 4 day acclimatisation rotation beyond Camp 2. Photo 1. The first ladder in the Icefall. As Pasang stepped off the other end it pinged off and disappeared from view, left hanging out of sight by a single rope. We hauled it back up, reset it, and then it was my turn… Photo 2. It would be impossible to cover all crevasses with ladders. Some you just have to put your big boy pants on and jump! Photo 3. The famous ‘Icefall Doctors’ at work. A select crew of 7-8 Sherpas who work tirelessly to reset the route each day after serac collapses like this occur. Photo 4. Chipping away at the Icefall. Photo 5. The final vertical section before the more gently angled slopes to Camp 1. A triple ladder followed by a few vertical metres of snow/ice. Now we watch the weather and wait for a summit opportunity.

Garth Miller

See the attached graphic from BBC News at bbc.co.uk/news which gives an excellent view of where Garth is setting off from and where he is heading to.
