Northern Paddle – 2023

Members of Yorkshire Officers Training Corps embarked on a thrilling kayaking and canoeing trip through the heart of the Ardèche, an experience that left everyone in awe of the region’s breath-taking beauty.

Our journey began in the quiet village of La Gare, where we were equipped with paddles, life jackets and an eager spirit. However, our plans hit a roadblock when our lorry broke down leaving one group without canoes. In our moment of need, PGL, a local adventure company, graciously offered to provide us with free canoes for our expedition. We were immensely grateful for their assistance, as they not only saved our trip but also allowed us to experience the wonders of the Ardèche River first hand. Their generosity and professionalism were truly commendable, and we cannot thank them enough for their support.

With the borrowed canoes in hand, we set off the next morning. The first day certainly proved a steep learning curve, with every one of the novice kayakers having at least one dunk in the freezing river. But after a little instruction we were soon on our way downstream where we came face to face with a myriad of breath-taking sights, including the iconic Pont d’Arc, a natural stone arch spanning the river.

Over the next few days, we continued down the river and were treated to a series of exhilarating rapids where the officer cadets could demonstrate the skills they had learnt from their amazing instructors as they gained their foundation and intermediate qualifications. Along the emerald-green water we took breaks to soak up the warm sun and enjoy our cheese and ham baguettes whilst embracing the dramatic limestone cliffs that lined the riverbanks around us.

Amidst the exhilaration, there were moments of hilarity and camaraderie as we found ourselves laughing at the occasional mishaps. It seemed inevitable that some of us, even some of the instructors, would lose balance and fall into the water, much to the amusement of the rest of the group.

Our time in France took us beyond the waters. Disembarking from our kayaks, we ventured into the surrounding forest for a small hike. The trail beckoned, winding its way through foliage-draped trees and led us to an insane viewpoint of the gorge. The vast expanse stretched out before us and we couldn’t help but gather together, capturing the moment with group photos that would serve as a reminder of what we had achieved that week.

After each day of paddling, we returned to our accommodation complex, a traditional French-style collection of gites where we had the chance to clean and dry out our kit before sitting down to dinner cooked by the amazing Admin Dan and Colour Ridley, who provided excellent food all week.

Overall, this was a challenging exercise which tested both stamina and bravery when faced with the rapidly flowing white water. But, by the end of the week, we were all well used to being cold and wet and had definitely learnt the benefits of avoiding capsizing.

For many of the students, this was their first exposure to canoeing or kayaking. The exercise provided a unique opportunity to participate in something that outside of the military, they would never get the opportunity to complete. With everyone’s comfort zones being well and truly tested, and more than a little trepidation faced when confronted by the torrents of the rapids, the aims of adventurous training were well and truly met and more than a few first-time kayakers and canoeists are now definitely hooked on the sport.

As one participant said: “I’ve never experienced anything like this before,” one officer cadet noted, “but I absolutely loved it! I will definitely be looking to join the university canoe club when I get back.”

This trip was made truly great by enthusiastic students and the exceptional instructors who guided and enriched our experiences. Their expertise, passion and warm personalities created and environment of learning and adventure and we owe them considerable gratitude for making this adventure training opportunity unforgettable.

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