Environmental and Cultural Considerations

This is not an exhaustive list.. it’s to get you thinking about the impact your own expedition has on the planet, and ways you could reduce it.

The natural world is precious and sensitive and we all must respect and take care of it.  It is home for wildlife, as well as a place to camp, hike or paddle.   The wilderness cleans our air and filters our water – and keeps our planet (and us!) alive.   We must protect it by adhering to a leave no trace policy.   “Take only photographs, leave only footprints”. We must also be respectful of other cultures, religions and beliefs, especially at culturally significant sites and other sensitive places. 

Please consider… 

Can you drive rather than fly to your destination?  Look to the benefits of coach, rail or ferry travel as alternatives to planes.   Consider whether the vehicle is fuel-efficient or low or zero carbon emitting.

Work with hotels and suppliers that can demonstrate sustainable best practices relating to their home environment

Minimise your waste and water usage.  Ensure you do not contaminate the local water supply.

Eat and buy local produce where possible, but be mindful when visiting local attractions or restaurants  – some places do not hold the high standards of animal welfare, or  protection of endangered species that we have in the UK.  Do not visit anywhere that promotes exploitation of wild animals.

Are you participating in carbon-neutral programs whilst on expedition, supporting conservation and rewilding projects?

Understand the environmental issues in your destination and minimise your direct impact (eg. if there’s a local deforestation issue, avoid purchasing and using firewood for a campfire).

Use alternatives to plastic and say ‘No’ to plastic bags.  

Observe all national and marine park visitor rules.  Use established or existing tracks and paths.

Do not touch fragile environments (eg. coral or formations in caves).

Q. Is my grant dependant on being my expedition being sustainable?

A. The Grant Awarding Committee (GAC) will expect to see that you have considered environmental and sustainability issues during your exercise planning and these should be explicitly stated in your grant application