25th Anniversary Appeal Expedition: Day 18


Kjeldebu to Finse. 30km, 8hrs. Today was a tough day… a day of contrasts. Started in snow showers, finished in steady snow. Winds stayed moderate, thankfully. Joker and I shared the work. When the snow was deep (first half) he walked beside or behind in my tracks, then when we got firmer conditions he walked ahead, pulling when he felt like it. Last 10k he picked up old tracks (I thought days old) and surged ahead- we made 6k an hour for 30min… and caught up with a group of five gents pulling sleds to Finse… Joker checked all their sleds for food and then overtook before stopping for a shit as they passed us again-sorry guys! The last hour we finally worked well as a team, and arrived out of the wilderness to Finse railway station after 8 long hard hours