25th Anniversary Appeal Expedition: Day 46

25-anniversary-expedition-day046Viermahytta to Susendal. 45km 10 1/2hrs

Last night I spent ages trying to decide what to do… I felt ok, a little tired, maybe 80%. It didn’t feel enough for a rest day, and cold mountain huts in -30C are tough rests. But if the snow on Børgefjell really was deep I’d need every daylight hour and all my strength. I decided to go, and see how long the trail breaking out of the first 9km of woodland takes me. More than 3hrs and I’d turn around, head back to the cabin, with a trail broken for the next day. Of course in the end, I didn’t turn back… the snow was never too deep… and the beauty and the mountains kept drawing me on. It’s easily been one of my most beautiful days yet, but it wasn’t easy. I’m tired now, but calm and content, face still burning a little from the fierce cold. Børgefjell is stunning in winter and feels very committing. I’m lucky to have had such a perfect day to cross through the heart of it. My enemies, dark jumbled forests, deep powder snow, and the cold, cold air never quite won the day… and with a little help from a surprise scooter trail late in the day I cruise into Susendal easily 2hrs earlier than I’d hoped. Another day not to forget…